Regarding AV and PW the message is clear, SE is still the stubborn teenager in the corner that wants you to kill those mobs their way. They are plugging their ears to any cries that they are being unreasonable in this line of thought. And now, they are making their big bad enforcers lash out harder than ever before it seems -- and then running away after two hours when you just won't listen to them anymore.
Can I say that I called it?
While I was out on vacation, Absolute Virtue was finally defeated. The zerg attempts, with a bit of luck, finally succeeded. The setup? Tons of DRKs with Kraken Clubs using Soul Eater and Blood Weapon, otherwise known as "Kraken-Eater DRKs".
Let's just take some time to analyze what happened here. A LS was able to produce an alliance of this caliber (with included support), and, I am assuming, more DD subs to come in. Just think of the small, small subsection of FFXI endgame that can actually produce such an attempt.
Seriously, think about it. Your LS has memebers that (1) has the time/gil to get DRK to 75 and gear it very well and (2) has great luck in the BCNM that drops the club or tons of gil for it.
Am I going to be another one of those people that is going to start crying and whining about this? Hell no. Why would I? If you have an LS that is able to pull this kind of tatic off, you should be able to do things that other people shouldn't. You should be able to do the "impossible" task of zerging AV. If your LS has managed to pull of something that allows you to set an alliance made of pure ass-kicking win, why should you not be able to do this?
I suppose we should ask SE. They again ninja-patched AV so that he now builds resistance to Soul Eater.
Are you kidding me? SE are we now really resorting to nerfing yet another tactic to actually killing AV? And no less SE nerfed a tatic that very few LS can even use.
They are continuing to be that subborn teenager I referenced in my last entry. We didn't do it there way, and again they got pissy and placed in yet another patch. It isn't as if every LS in FFXI is all of a sudden going to pull a K-Club and fully leveled, geared and merited DRKs out of their rears for the sole purpose of downing AV. There will still be people trying to figure out how to do it the "right" way.
The whole community knew it wasn't the answer. Even amongst all the whining that occured after the kill (e.g. WAH WAH Kraken Eater isn't fair), there were still several posts on BG admitting that this was just one way and not the way. People were still calling for and saying they would attempt AV in a normal fashion. What people were not saying was "ok guys, clearly the answer is that every LS needs to ensure they have a Kraken Eater setup."
SE, we knew we weren't doing it right. We don't deserve the kick in the junk that you have yet again given the end-game community. There is always more than one solution to a problem. Take yourself out of the damned box you have your vision in and stop giving your player base the finger.