October 23, 2007

It's All Downhill From Here

And in more ways than one.

Yeah, so I haven't updated my blog in a while. I'm lazy and have been traveling a bit in RL. But anyways, I'm sure no one cares about that.

Anyways, I have had quite a few accomplishments in the game since I last wrote. First off, I have been doing quite a bit of the starting nation missions with some of my LS mates. I was already rank 10 in Bastok, but made the switch to Sandy and cranked out rank 10 in about a week. By the way, the rank 10 final mission for Sandy is fun as hell (I enjoyed it a lot more than the Basty final fight which surprised me), so if you haven't cranked out those missions, I highly suggest it. We are now on rank 5 for Bastok as a static and thanks to a few snags we have been stuck there.

And by snags I mean some asshat fucktard decided to hack one of our static members and server transferred her while stealing her gil and gear.

Thank you, asshole.

Seriously, is this the new RMT trend? This is the second member of my LS that has been hacked and had gear/gil stolen. And these members don't even share passwords at all. Just mind boggling.

Anyways, thanks to some serious bitching by her and her boyfriend, SE wet their pants and moved her character back to Valefor and took away the $25 server transfer charge. Plus, she was able to get a decent portion of her gear and gil back. Some of the gear wasn't sold so she got that back, plus I believe she was able to get some d-boxed gil back. (If you are curious about our other member, he wasn't server transferred and we had a gil making event to help get his gil back.)

So it would appear as if we will be able to get our static going again. Most of the Basty missions are cake (save for 9-1...) so we should be done with that soon. Plus, I decided to go ahead and switch to Windy and I am rank 5 there at the moment. So I will be rank 6 quite soon, leaving just 4 more ranks to go until I can hang all 3 nations flags in my Mog House.

But that isn't all that is "downhill" in my FF life at the moment. I have finally gone past the halfway point in my quest to get the Lu Shang's rod. I am currently sitting at just over 5.5k moat carps, and believe me, it feels a lot better to look at how many I need to finish now. And even though I'm not playing and fishing everyday, I still believe that I should be able to finish this quest in about a month.

My original goal was to have it by Thanksgiving, and I might come close to hitting that. So we shall see.

That pretty much sums everything up for now. I'll try to throw out another update in about a week or so.
